851. Memorial Day is in some ways a very solemn holiday to remember the service of soldiers who are no longer with us. Why do you think many people think of it more as a time for parties, movies, and vacations?
852. One of the original traditions of MD was the decoration of the gravestones of soldiers. How might you decorate the memorial of a fallen soldier? What would the soldier's family think of your decorating?
853. Why do you think it's important to remember people who did a great service for the United States even long after they're gone? What are some good ways to honor their memory?
854. Create a conversation between two people in their twenties deciding whether or not they should join the military. What might be some of their reasons for and what might be some of their reasons against?
855. Joining the military takes a lot of hard work and training. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to work for? Why was it difficult and how did you train to get better at it?
856. Imagine that you and a relative who served in the military are looking through some old pictures related to his or her time in the service. What might you two talk about and why?
857. What do you think it means to be patriotic? Would you say that you are patriotic, yourself? Why or why not?
858. We often think about frontline soldiers when we think about the military, but there are plenty of behind the scenes, like nurses and code breakers, who also put themselves in danger. What do you think it would be like to support the troops directly in those positions? Would you still be scared? Why or why not?
859. How might you explain MD to a person from a foreign country? What parts about the holiday might be difficult to understand?
860. You have been chosen to create a very red, white, and blue meal for MD. What kinds of food do you serve? How will your guests enjoy your patriotic delicacies?
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.