841. Why do you think there are multiple holidays that honor the military? How might you show respect to the Armed Forces in a different way than you did on the other holidays?
842. One major responsibility of the military is to protect the country. Who are some of the people outside of the military who protect you and why do they do it? Are there any people you protect? How do you protect them?
843. Members of the military risk their lives to preserve the lives of citizens of the United States and other countries. What does being a citizen mean to you? How do you think being a U.S. citizen differs from being a citizen of another country?
844. Protecting lives is a major responsibility. What are some responsibilities that you've had in your life? What kind of responsibilities might you have when you get older?
845. Imagine that you had to go through intense training for a career or a competition. What kind of things would you do to train? How would you keep yourself going when you got tired?
846. Describe what you think the inside of a submarine might look like. Make sure to include a description of all the officers trying to move around inside.
847. When you get older, you'll be allowed to vote for or against certain laws and politicians. Why might it be important to be able to vote as opposed to having a king or dictator come up with the laws for us?
848. Imagine how hard it would be if you had a family member in the Armed Forces for months or years at a time. How would you keep in touch with this person? How would you feel about him or her being away?
849. Memorial Day weekend often kicks off with a big summer blockbuster movie at the local theater. Do you and your family go to the movies on Memorial Day weekend, or do you have other activities planned? What would you do to celebrate if you had a choice and why?
850. One of the most important symbols of the country and its military is the American flag. What does the flag mean to you? How do you feel when you see it? Why?Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.