Mothers Day Writing Prompts #3

Here are 10 Mothers Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

811. One of the top choices for celebrating Mother's Day is taking your mom out to brunch. What kind of restaurant would your mother enjoy the most for the special day? What food would she get and why do you think she likes it so much?

812. Some kids and husbands treat mothers to a relaxing day of spa treatments and massages. Imagine that you and your family have tried to turn your house into a spa to save some money. What would your mother think and why?

813. Other mothers use the holiday as an excuse to go wine-tasting in the countryside. Is your mother more of a country, suburban, or city person? Why?

814. Concerts and other artistic performances are a must for the mother interested in culture. What kinds of music does your mom like? How does her taste differ from your own? Why do you think she likes the music she likes?

815. If your mother could take a trip with her friends anywhere in the world on Mother's Day, where would it be and why? Would the location be different if she was bringing you and the rest of the family with her? Why?

816. Some active mothers take the opportunity to race on Mother's Day with their loved ones in a 5K or triathlon. Would your mother be interested in such an event? Why or why not?

817. There are many wonderful gifts that you could get your mother for the holiday, but everyone can make mistakes. What are some of the worst ideas you can think of to give your mother on Mother's Day? Why would they be so bad?

818. You and your family members have forgotten to get flowers for your mother and the only florist in town says that he's sold out. What do you do to make sure your mom has a bouquet of roses waiting for her when she wakes up?

819. In some countries in the past, Mother's Day was celebrated to encourage families to have more kids. How would your family be different if you had double or triple the amount of brothers and sisters? How difficult would such a family be on your mother?

820. In Yugoslavia, Mother's Day seems more for the children then the moms themselves. The children have a tradition of tying up their mother and ransoming her freedom for gifts. What would your mom do if you tied her up? Why might it not be such a good idea?

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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