Silence yourself.

by Brittany Noisom.

I know wasn't inspired by the prompts, but yea: It was dark that day, and everyone had been concerned. There was nothing there but that little town of the innocent. Though, there were loud noises and shuffles in the corners of every street. A couple walking down the sidewalk saw a silhouette, to their curiosity, they went to see what it was. A man peaked out, but one another could not see. After that, a street light flashed to life. The couple stared at the man in shock. That man, he did not have eyes. Though, they could feel the stare from him. This lips were sewn together with thick wire. The blood from doing so had stained his chin. They sat and looked at him more. Just then, he reached up to touch them. His hand had no skin. They were slim with sharp nails to end. The couple backed away and ran. The man bowed his head, and the street light faded. He sat and thought. A little boy was walking alone, when he saw the same silhouette. Without getting any closer, he shouted, "Come out here, please. I know what happened to you." The man slowly stood up. The street light came on again. "Hello," The boy said, standing under the light. He held out his hand, gripping the man's. He said, "I am not afraid of you. It's okay." The boy peered up at him. "I'm Tucker," He said. The man looked down. He could feel and hear Tucker, and it was a nice feeling. Tucker began to walk, "Come, we cannot miss it." Pulling the man along, they both entered a building. It was an old, abandoned building that burnt down in a fire. There was only a couple rooms left standing. Tucker pointed out, telling the man to look. "I know you can see it." He said. Tucker still looked up at him. The man just shook his head and then crouched down. He gently placed his hands on the sides of the boy's head. He then slowly put their foreheads together. Suddenly, Tucker saw flames. "No." he said. "No, that's all wrong." The man took his head away and let go of his head. He touched his mouth, and felt the wires. The man slowly took his finger off and pointed it at Tucker. A blank stare appeared on his face. The man touched his finger to Tucker's lips. He did nothing but stare. The man looked away. Tucker sat and stared at him. Wires started to grow and pierce his lips. Shocked, Tucker touched them.He stared at the floor, and bowed his head. His fingers started to grow, stretching the skin covering them. Nails began to get longer. He looked back to the man. Tucker looked at his forearm. He dragged his index finger to it and started to carve a word. He sat and slowly dug into his own skin. "I was trying to help you." Blood dripped down. Tucker put his arm on the man. He looked over and turned his head. Tucker sat still with his blood draining onto the other being. "It's not fair," He thought. The man slowly laid down. Surprised, Tucker turned and watched him. Suddenly, the man was gone. Tucker sat. He pressed his lips to his hand and shook his head. He stood up and began to walk away. "Why me?" He thought. Those two words repeated. He sat under a tree. The tree then went up in flames. Tucker turned his head and watched. He stood up again and walked away. When he was sitting in the corner of an alley near a dumpster, a little girl walked up to him. "Hi." She said, in the most giddy voice. Tucker looked up and saw she was smiling. Though it was dark, he could see her clear as day. She was wearing a white dress with lace at the end. Her hair was wavy and grey like ashes. Tucker stood up and looked at her. "I'm Cynthia." She smiles. "What's on your arm?" She asked. Tucker shook his head and turned away. Cynthia walked to his side. "I know what happened to you," She whispered. Tucker quickly shifted his head her way. "She couldn't know." He thought. She grinned at him, "I want to show you something." Tucker backed away, but Cynthia came closer. He was then against the wall when she pulled out a syringe. "Mother always told me to carry one of these." Tucker shook his head. "No," He thought. "Tucker," She whispered. He grew frightened. Tucker didn't know her. He'd never seen her before. She grabbed his arm. "I was trying to help you? Who was this to?" She looked in his eyes. Tucker tried his best not to look back. Cynthia grinned. She poked the syringe into his wound. Tucker flinched. "There, there." She whispered. Tucker began to sweat. Cynthia looked at him, "Your pain will be gone in a moment." He closed his eyes. "God, help me." He thought. Tucker found that his eyes were closing. Cynthia stared. Her white dress changed to red, as blood poured from her neck. "You're not the only one with a problem." She said. Cynthia soon disappeared. Tucker stared with the little energy he had. His eyes closed, though, they did not open again. He let out a sigh, and bowed his head.

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