931. You are biting into a fresh spring salad of raw vegetables. Would you enjoy the taste of the salad without any kind of dressing? Why or why not? Which of the vegetables would stick out flavor-wise the most and why?
932. If you were a gardener, which vegetable do you think you'd enjoy harvesting the most and why? Do you think you would gain a different connection with the food by handling it before it reached your table? Why or why not?
933. Do you think food tastes differently when you eat it outside during a spring picnic? Why or why not? What are some of the tastiest foods you'd bring along on your picnic and why?
934. Some people feel a need to sit on the ground every once in a while and run their hands through the grass to feel connected with the earth. How do you think they feel when they have the opportunity to do so? Do you feel similarly when you're out in nature? Why or why not?
935. Imagine that you were looking forward to biting into a juicy, red apple but it tasted extremely strange. Upon looking at your hand, you realize you were actually eating a tomato. How does the tomato taste differently from how the apple would have tasted? How do you feel about the mistake you made and why?
936. After doing your terrible stand-up comedy routine on stage, the audience has pelted you with dozens of tomatoes. Describe the feeling of the tomato pulp running down your skin. What is an example of a bad joke the audience didn't like?
937. Describe a spring meal you look forward to every year. Explain how each food tastes to you and why you enjoy it so much. What ingredients do you think are the most important to make it taste exactly how you like it and why?
938. Imagine that you were a cook getting ready to prepare a spring meal. Would you rather handle ingredients that were fresh, frozen, or canned and why? Which do you think would result in the best-tasting meal and why?
939. Think ahead to the future when you're a mother or a father. What would your ideal breakfast in bed be and why? Describe how each ingredient would taste. Would the meal taste differently because your children made it? Why or why not?
940. You and your family members are stitching together a green spring quilt to give as a gift to your relatives. Describe how you might need to use your sense of touch in putting the quilt together. How would the quilt feel if you took a nap underneath it and why?Written by Bryan Cohen
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.