Thanksgiving Writing
Prompts #5

Here are 10 Thanksgiving writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

251. Sarah Josepha Hale, an American journalist, is credited with leading the cause to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Imagine that Thanksgiving was still only celebrated by a few states. How would you campaign to make it a day of feasting and fun for everybody? Would it work? Why or why not?

252. It was said that the Native Americans helped the pilgrims grow beans, corn, and pumpkins that were eventually used in the T-Giving feast. Have you ever asked someone for much-needed help? Who was it and how did this person help you?

253. Describe what the Plymouth pilgrim's colony might have looked like after experiencing hard times through storm and droughts during their first few years. How do you think they were able to endure such hardships?

254. Why do you think it's important to give thanks to people on T-Giving and throughout the year? How does it make you feel when people say "thank you" to you? Why?

255. One of the tastiest parts of Turkey Day is the use of the meal's leftovers for the entire week after the holiday. What kind of leftovers concoction might you come up with for a snack? How would it taste?

256. Who are all the family members you might see during the T-Giving holiday? Which one are you most looking forward to seeing and why?

257. Thanksgiving is a major sports day, with college basketball, football, hockey and more throughout the day on television. If you could watch any sport after your tasty meal, what would it be and why?

258. Imagine that you had to be on a special diet during turkey day and you'll only be able to eat a few of the delicious foods on the table. Which three main courses and sides might you choose and why?

259. In a humanitarian White House tradition, the President of the United States pardons at least one turkey each year, keeping him or her from being cooked. What do you think the peaceful life for that turkey will be like for the rest of his or her days? Why?

260. What is the best T-Giving dessert you've ever tasted? Why do you think it was so good? Do you think you'd ever be able to replicate that recipe yourself? Why or why not?

Did you enjoy these holiday writing prompts? Buy a book full of holiday writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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