221. Have you ever helped your family cook the Thanksgiving dinner? If so, what kind of jobs did you have to help prepare the feast? If not, imagine how you would help create the various tasty dishes that line your Thanksgiving table.
222. Thanksgiving is renowned for its famous side dishes like mashed potatoes and broccoli casserole. What is the strangest side dish you've ever had at Thanksgiving? What made it so strange and how did it taste?
223. Imagine that you have been given the honor of offering up a toast or prayer at the beginning of the Thanksgiving meal. What will you say and how will your family react?
224. Write a conversation between a side dish and a main course at the table during turkey day. What do the two delicious plates have to discuss with one another?
225. The turkey carver of the house has given you and a friend a chance to break the wishbone in half. You successfully pull off the bigger pieces and get one wish that is bound to come true. What do you decide to wish for? Why?
226. After a light-hearted argument, one of your family members grabs a handful of food from his plate and tosses it across the table. Before long, it's a full-on family food fight! Describe the entire battle from beginning to end. Why did it begin and how does it end?
227. Describe all of the smells and sights of the Thanksgiving table. What do certain smells and sights make you think of as you're writing about them?
228. After a dream about Thanksgiving, you've woken up to discover that you've grown a layer of feathers like a turkey. What do you tell your parents? How will you deal with your bird-like situation?
229. Imagine that you and your family have decided to help out at a homeless shelter's soup kitchen on Thanksgiving morning. How do you feel about being able to give back to people who might have otherwise gone hungry? Does it make you appreciate your full Thanksgiving plate? Why or why not?
230. Why is the holiday of Thanksgiving special to you? Do you look forward to it every year? Why or why not?
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.