The cave

Owen. Owen. I know he is in here somewhere. Owen. Owen. I can feel him. It is like the air is charged with electricity. Owen. Owen. I slosh through the ankle deep sea water until my feet hit dry sand. I feel the wall of the cave against my hand. The outside light dies away as I move deeper into the cave. Owen. Owen. I know this cave like I know him. I know every part of him. Owen Owen. I am the first person to really know him.
“Who is it?” I hear his voice. It is weak. Owen. Owen. What happened to him? I run forward in the darkness. Owen. Owen. I stumble over his outstretched foot.
“Owen!” I gasp. I kneel down and find his hand in the Darkness.
“Hey. How are you?” He croaks.
“I am fine, what happened to you?”
“Oh. I was screaming all last night. I sucks having brain damage. Why can’t the happy part of my brain be damaged. Then I could be overly happy but no. Of Course the damn car wreck has to damage my fear part of my brain. Now I have to watch you die every couple of days.” He chuckles a little. I start to cry. Why does it have to be him?
“I am sorry hon. I forgot how much you care about everything.” He pulls me against him.
“I have something to tell you.” I say nervously.
“What is it?” I inhale like I am about to submerge underwater.
“I love you.” I say and exhale shakily. He kisses my neck. His lips are warm.
“I love you.” He says. I feel his lips gently brush mine then he kisses me. He taste like salt and something that can only be described as Owen.

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