Third Grade Writing Prompts #7: Science

It's time for a lesson about the bees and the birds, literally! This page is a mix of 10 third grade writing prompts on the subject of science. There are so many wonderful bits of knowledge and experiments related to science that third graders take in, which leads to a lot of wonderful stories to write on the subject.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 third grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperbackform. 

Third Grade Writing Prompts #7: Science

221. Your body is made up of millions of tiny cells that help to make sure you function properly. If your cells could talk about you, what do you think they would say? Would they say you’re a pretty good person? That you eat right and exercise? Go into extreme detail.

222. Biology is the study of life and all living things in the world. Have you ever gotten a chance to look at some crazy life forms other than insects, pets and humans? What are some of these living things you’ve seen and what have they taught you about biology?

223. One of the major sects of science is chemistry. Describe how chemistry is a part of the following items in your life: food, toothpaste, clothing, medicine and soap.

224. Physics is the science that studies how things move through the world. Some examples of things that include physics are a car moving down the road, a baseball being hit through the air by a bat and an egg falling off the counter and onto the ground. What are some examples of physics in your life?

225. What are at least five things that you like about science and scientific experiments? How would you explain the good things about science to a person who hates the subject?

226. Over the next decade or so, you will learn how lots of different things in your life work, like your brain, heart and teeth. Since you might not know all of these things yet, how would you guess that the brain works? How do you think the heart works? How do teeth work?

227. Many people believe that in the future (the next 20 to 50 years) lots of things will change about science and technology like flying cars and robot friends. How do you think the science of the world will change in the next 20 to 50 years? Go into extreme detail.

228. One of the coolest parts of science is astronomy, the study of stars, planets, galaxies and more. Imagine that you and your classmates are out on an astronomy field trip, looking at the stars. Something amazing happens. What is it and what do you all do about it?

229. Millions of years ago, the earth used to be shaped differently with all of the continents stuck together with all the oceans around the outside like one giant island. What do you think happened to make all of the land split up into the seven continents we have today?

230. Of the types of science we’ve mentioned, like biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy and geology, which do you find the most interesting and why? 

Done with Third Grade Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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