by Eriel Emanuel
Technology is a part of everybody lives. The teenagers the young people and even old people are using technology. And technology is a big thing these days liked if my mom take away my phone I don’t think I could live without it. Text messaging is a way for people to get in touch with each other basic, technology is the brand new thing. Television is also a big thing for technology it’s a way people can sit down relax after a long day of work or school. And watch television to calm them-self down.
With technology I can contact people around the world like I can text, call people around the world something people wouldn’t do without technology. My cell phone is a big part of my life like everything is on their my family, friends and if my mom would ever take my cell phone I don’t think I would be able to live. And cell phones is a good source of technology say if like I get stuck on a free-way my cell phone is there to help me call for some help.
With the smart person Philo Taylor Farnsworth that invented the television I think him so much, now that might not have been the television that we have today but it is the person that made the invention. Television is a way for people to sit with their family and have movie night or something and it is also a way for people to come home and watch a good show or movie. Like my mom after a long days of work she come home and relax in front of the t.v. and that’s what I do when I am doing my home work with my friends. Then it is and great source of catching up on some news when you need to hear what is going on in today’s world.
The game pong is the first game that was invented it has two-dimensional graphics and it was the first game that reach to mainstream the game is two people playing tennis and whoever earns and higher score wins the game. It was also release in 1972 by the man of Allan Alcorn and he became the start of the video game industry which I think him so much and because I wouldn’t have the psp3 today in my living room which I am obsessed with.
The technology today is a very good thing because it has an impact on my life and other people lives the cell phones is a very good source you don’t use it just for texting you use it for other things. And television is a good thing because family can have family night with it like watch movies and stuff. And the game pong which lead to the psp3 today so technology is a very good source and I am very obsessed with it I don’t know what I would do without technology.
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