Valentines Day Writing
Prompts #3

Here are 10 Valentines Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

461. Imagine that you have taken a Valentine's Day tour of a chocolate factory. What are some of the free samples you might eat? What would you learn about the making of chocolate? Do you think you'd enjoy it? Why or why not?

462. Some people give hand-made coupons to their loved ones for chores, meals and more. What would be the best personalized coupon you could get from your loved ones and why?

463. Imagine that you have been sent on a scavenger hunt to find out who your secret admirer is. Where might the hunt lead you? Would the admirer be who you think it is? Why or why not?

464. A very nice thing to do on Valentine's Day is to hide notes for your loved ones to find during the day at work or school. What might the notes to your family members say? Would they appreciate them? Why or why not?

465. In Guatemala, Valentine's Day is about both love and friendship. Why do you think there isn't a friendship day in the United States? If there was, who would you celebrate with and why?

466. A German Valentine's Day includes the placing of a giant, heart-shaped gingerbread cookie around the neck of a loved one like a medal. What other dessert might you enjoy having hung around your neck and why?

467. Some nationalists in India dislike the commercial aspects of Valentine's Day and may burn greeting cards in protest. Imagine if you had to celebrate Valentine's Day with your family in secret. How might the holiday be different? How would the meaning of the day change?

468. One destination to spend Valentine's Day is Verona, Italy, the setting for the play Romeo and Juliet. Tours are set up to trace the steps of the tragic literary lovers. What literary characters might you want to go on a tour for? Where would you have to go and what might you see?

469. Describe your ideal Valentine's Day from the notes from your loved ones to the best chocolate from anywhere in the world. How might such a perfect pink holiday make you feel and why?

470. People who have no one to share Valentine's Day with often treat themselves to candy, movies, and a trip to the spa. Imagine that you have planned out a day just for yourself. What activities might it include and how would it be different from spending the day with others?

Did you enjoy these Valentines Day writing prompts? Buy a book full of holiday writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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