Valentines Day Writing
Prompts #2
Here are 10 Valentines Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.
451. Cupid has invited you along on Valentine's Day to shoot some love arrows into unsuspecting men and women. Describe your day of spreading love and happiness from beginning to end.
452. What is the most romantic love story that you've ever heard? If you've never heard any romantic stories, make one up. Why do you think the story is so romantic?
453. Some people don't like the idea of being romantic. Are you one of those people? Why or why not?
454. Create a conversation between the chocolates inside a red-heart shaped box. What do these various shapes and sizes of candy have to talk about and why?
455. What do you think the secret might be to lasting love in a relationship? Is it candy and presents, or something harder to explain? Why?
456. You and your friends have opened a bag of conversation candy hearts to find that the messages are all wrong. They aren't about love or Valentine's Day at all! What are some of the things the candy hearts say? How do you think they got so mixed up?
457. What do you think is more important: love or money? Why do you believe that?
458. Write the craziest and silliest love poem that you can think of. It doesn't matter if it rhymes, just make sure it's completely goofy.
459. Imagine that you have been hired as a flower delivery person for Valentine's Day. It's your job to give surprise flowers to people on this special day. What are some of the reactions you get from these very excited people?
460. Describe a delicious Valentine's Day cupcake from the multi-colored frosting all the way through to the moist center. Make sure to describe how it tastes.
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Written by Bryan Cohen
Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on Google+ and Facebook.
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