Veterans Day Writing
Prompts #4

Here are 10 Veterans Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

191. Imagine that you were a military hero returning from a brutal war. What would you expect your reception home to be like? How do you think all of the difficult things you saw during the war would affect you and why?

192. Becoming a part of the military requires some of the most intense physical and mental training in the world. Some describe the first stages of boot camp as the hardest thing they've ever done. Why do you think so many people are willing to go through such pain and hard work? Do you think a nearly impossible boot camp is necessary? Why or why not?

193. In the 1940s, superheroes like Captain America were depicted in comics as fighting alongside the military to try to win World War II. Come up with an idea for another American superhero who works with the U.S. military. What is his name, what are his super powers, and why does he fight for his country?

194. Upon going back to normal civilian life, some members of the military can have a difficult time readjusting. What do you think are some of the reasons a regular job and family life might be tough to slip back into? What might be some of the ways a service member could ease into that transition and why?

195. There are those who want nothing more than to serve in the military but can't due to an injury or a chronic condition like a weak heart. How might a person feel not being able to serve what was thought to be his or her purpose? What are some things these people could do to serve the American military cause without fighting?

196. The families of military service members have it tough as they have to hope and pray for the best for their brave family member. Imagine that you had to say goodbye to a close family member going away to the military. Where would you be, what would you say, and how would you feel?

197. It's late at night and your unit is far away from home in a remote village. You write a letter to your family about what you've been up to and how you miss all of them. Write that letter in great detail making sure to include all of your thoughts and feelings.

198. There are military members stationed in some of the most dangerous parts of the world. What might it be like to have to walk around in such a hazardous area? How would you feel and why?

199. How do you think the military and war in general will change over the next 100 years? As technology improves, will war get more brutal or will peace become more frequent and why?

200. The military is often dogged with reports of being unfair toward women. Why do you think it's difficult for the institution to treat women as equals and with respect? What would it take for women to gain more protection from assault and other incidents in the military? Why?

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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