Washingtons Birthday (Presidents Weekend)
Writing Prompts

Here are 10 Washingtons Birthday writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

491. Imagine that you were holding a birthday party for the President of the United States. What kind of foods might you serve and who would you invite to this huge event?

492. What do you think are some of the toughest responsibilities for the president of a country? Do you think it's the kind of job that you or your friends would be able to handle? Why or why not?

493. Imagine that you grew up in the time of George Washington and John Adams. How do you think your everyday life would change? What are some of the things you might miss and why?

494. Of all the former Presidents of the United States that you know, who do you think is your favorite and why? Who is your least favorite and why?

495. Since George Washington isn't still around to receive gifts, what do you think are some special things you could do to honor the first U.S. President on this holiday? Do you think he would appreciate your efforts? Why or why not?

496. Create a made-up story using the following words: honor, independence, president, and service.

497. George Washington was a very capable leader, helping the United States to gain independence and to start off the U.S. government on the right foot. Have you ever had to be the leader in a group or situation? Do you think you were a strong leader? Why or why not?

498. Washington's birthday is the day to honor many soldiers who have received medals for their military service. Have you ever received an award for doing something important? If so, what was it for and how did your family react? If not, what is a reward you would like to receive and why?

499. Imagine that you and your class had to put on a historical play about any time period of your choosing. What time period would you choose and which of your classmates would play certain figures throughout history? Why would they fit those roles in particular?

500. It's been said that George Washington and other people of his time wore wigs and had wooden teeth! Imagine what the world would be like if your teachers, family, and friends also wore wigs and used wooden teeth. What kind of wig might you get for yourself and why?

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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