561. Imagine that you and your family members were polar bears instead of humans. How would your usual routine change? What would you do for food? Would it be tough living in the snow? Why or why not?
562. Some birds fly south during the winter to find warmer areas of the country. What are some reasons they might migrate? Would your family ever consider taking the few months of winter on a warm island? Why or why not?
563. Birds aren't the only organisms that migrate, as beetles and worms burrow deep into the soil to spend the winter in a warmer environment. What is the warmest part of your house? Do you ever cuddle up in it to keep toasty on a cold day? Why or why not?
564. A frog can hibernate during the winter at the bottom of a pond underneath the frozen water. How would your winter be different if you spent three straight months hiding and sleeping? What are some of the things you might miss and why?
565. During hibernation, bears can sleep as long as six months, during which time they don't eat, sleep, or use the bathroom. What would happen if you fell asleep for six straight months? What kind of things might you miss? How would you catch up and why?
566. Squirrels and other animals stockpile nuts during the warmer months so they have food all winter long. Imagine that your family couldn't go shopping during the snowy season and had to buy everything beforehand. What foods might you have to skip? What foods would you eat all the time and why?
567. Some insects actually change into different forms during the winter to stay warmer and safer. Imagine that you could change into something else during the coldest months of the year. What would you change into and why? What would your parents think of your transformation?
568. You and your friends are using tracks in the snow to figure out what animals have been running around in your backyard. What do the tracks look like and what animals do you assume have been there? How do you find more evidence to prove your hypothesis? Are you correct? Why or why not?
569. Animals may grow warmer fur or have their fur change colors to match snow during the winter. What are some ways that you adapt to the cold temperatures?
570. If you could be any winter animal, which one would you choose and why? What would be some of your new challenges as this icy season animal? What would you enjoy the most as this animal and why?
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.