Review: Winter Creative Writing Activities on Teachers Pay Teachers

The Winter Creative Writing Activities packet is a free download available on Teachers Pay Teachers. The packet contains a variety of creative writing ideas and assignments all pertaining to the subject of winter, engaging students in three types of creative writing: poetry, short stories, and short narrative creative writing. The short narrative writing segment includes a component for, a popular microblogging website with which many of today’s students will be familiar.

The writing activities and prompts included in this 13-page packet are meant to teach students how to write within the various forms of creative writing. The activities introduce two types of poetry (acrostics and haiku), story writing in groups and as individuals, and a segment that encourages character development through narrative. Students would be able to integrate their writing assignments with Twitter, which may make the assignment more relevant and exciting for some.

The potential drawback to the Twitter integration, however, is that Twitter will not be relevant or even familiar to some students, especially younger writers who have not yet adopted social media. The materials do not introduce Twitter and its specific mechanisms (hashtags, characters), so teachers using this packet would need to be sure that their students are familiar with Twitter and comfortable using terminology. It may also be worth noting that the Twitter-related assignments refer Twitter’s foundational “140 characters” refrain that may be confusing for some writers who are simultaneously asked to develop new written “characters” who are doing the tweeting. A deliberate introduction to Twitter is all that would be needed for students to be able to run with the Twitter-specific elements of this assignment packet.

The worksheets are designed in an exciting, colorful layout with fun fonts and interesting topics. The content relates to an important aspect of today’s social culture outside the classroom, making the writing activities both academically enriching and socially relevant for those language arts teachers looking to include social media in their lessons.

You can download your own copy of Winter Creative Writing Activities here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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