Winter Science Writing Prompts

Here are 10 winter science writing prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

581. Because of the way the Earth tilts in relation to the sun, winter on one side of the world would actually be the same months as summer on the other side. How would your life be different if January was one of the hottest months and why?

582. If you lived at the North Pole, you would experience 24 hours straight of darkness on the first day of winter. What would you do differently if you were sun-free for an entire day? Would you miss the daylight? Why or why not?

583. Winter storms are the result of both warm and cold air masses, which is why some of the weather is rain while some of it is snow. What are some of the challenges of a rainy and snowy winter storm? What might your parents tell you to do during such a storm?

584. In March 1993, a winter superstorm led to snow, wind, rain and low temperatures in 26 different states. Imagine what would happen if a winter storm were to affect the entire country? How might your life be affected and why?

585. While it seems really cold at 0 degrees Fahrenheit, there have been winter temperatures recorded that are 100 degrees below Fahrenheit! What clothing might you need to wear to protect yourself from such cold temperatures? Why wouldn't you want to live in an area that gets that cold?

586. Snowflakes grow into beautiful six-sided crystals because of the way that water looks at a microscopic level. Imagine that you could shrink down to the size of a snowflake; what would it look like from this perspective and why?

587. The body shivers when it's cold because the brain sends signals to the muscles to move around quickly to generate heat. What are some other ways that you generate heat when you're cold? Why does moving around keep you warmer than simply sitting in the snow?

588. Wearing a hat is important during the winter because approximately 50 percent of body heat can be lost through the head. Imagine you could make your own winter hat from scratch. What would the hat look like and how would it keep you warm during the coldest months?

589. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if you stay out in the cold too long without proper clothing on. What are some other winter dangers that can happen if you don't take safety precautions? How can you best stay safe during winter and why?

590. Driving a car during the winter is extremely dangerous because there is much less friction between the car's tires and the road. What might it be like to drive a car on an icy road? What things would you need to do to be as safe as possible and why?

Did you enjoy these winter science writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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