Review: Winter Wonderland Student Writing Bulletin Board Set on Teachers Pay Teachers

The Winter “Wonder”land student writing bulletin board set is a premium download from Teachers Pay Teachers. The packet includes all the basics for teachers to pull together a display board for student writing (except for a backing paper and maybe a border, if desired). The color pages provide an attractive bulletin board for teachers to display their students’ writing. There’s also a sample layout provided and lots of ideas for creative writing assignments related to the Winter Wonderland theme.

Lots of the writing-related prompts and suggested activities revolve around the concept of “wonder” and encourage young writers to wonder about different aspects of their lives, including what their adulthood may be like and what their parents were like as children. Not all of the prompts fall within the realm of creative nonfiction, however – there are quite a few that pose hypothetical situations for kids to “wonder” about and expand on. The additional “wonder”ful suggestions provided in the packet open the door for nearly endless creative writing possibilities.

Wondering doesn’t necessarily have to be the theme of this winter bulletin board, though. The quotations around “wonder” could just as easily be left off, opening up even more possibilities for teachers to take the display in their own direction.

The real strength of this particular download is the structure it provides for teachers to take an idea and run with it. The author of the materials told us in an email that her intention for this bulletin board is to display

You can download your own copy of the Winter Wonderland Student Writing Bulletin Board Set here. It’s currently on sale, so get your copy before the sale ends!

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If you’re interested in opening your own TeachersPayTeachers shop, click here to find out more.

Please note: the author of this review received a free copy of the download but was not compensated in any other way for this review. The author and the owner of this site will not receive compensation for any product sales resulting from this review.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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