541. Ski resorts often create some fake snow to improve the safety and appearance of their mountains. Imagine that you could create real snow anywhere you wanted just by thinking about it. How would you use your powers? What would other people think about your chilly abilities and why?
542. If you could be any wintry animal in the world, which one would you be and why? What would your typical day be like? What parts of being a human might you miss and why?
543. You have moved into a house completely made out of ice! Describe how you'd deal with the following challenges: getting up and down the stairs, playing with a pet, taking a bath, and keeping warm.
544. Imagine what winter might be like before there were snowplows, shovels, and salt for the roads. How difficult would it be to get places? How would your family get food? What would you do for fun?
545. What would life be like if you and your family hibernated like bears during the winter? Would you get bored sleeping for most of the day and staying bundled up for months at a time? Why or why not?
546. Winter is the perfect time to do things inside and around the house. What are your three favorite indoor activities? Do your parents think these activities are a good use of your time? Why or why not?
547. Imagine that it was so cold out that your parents have bundled you up with clothes to the point that you could barely move. How would you walk and talk in this restricted state? What would other people think of your puffiness and why?
548. What do you think it would be like to be the following animals during the winter and why: horse, gorilla, deer, and Chihuahua?
549. Create a made-up story using the following words: ice, nose, mittens, and excitement.
550. What is your favorite winter moment of all time? Why does it stick out for you so much in your memory? What do you think would have to happen to top it and why?
Written by Bryan CohenUse the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.