Writing Prompts Online

If you're looking for writing prompts online, you've come to the right place. Build Creative Writing Ideas includes a collection of over 2,000 free writing prompts that you can use as story starters, journal prompts, poetry jumping off points or for any writing areas you may be into. For this page, I will write about my top 10 favorite writing prompts pages on the site. Enjoy! 

Writing Prompts Online

10. Halloween Writing Prompts - Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and with this page, I've tried to take my love of ghosts, ghouls and candy to the most creative level possible. Included here are prompts about costumes, parties and even real ghosts!

9. Technology Writing Prompts - Sometimes it feels as if technology has replaced a lot of human interaction. On this page, I use writing prompts to question how important these devices are and if we could live without them. My favorite prompt on the page asks how your life would be different if you were born in the past or the future.

8. Fantasy Writing Prompts - One of my favorite genres to read includes stories of folklore and fantasy. I played a lot of video games and watched a ton of movies in this genre as a kid and it shows with these nerdy prompts. How would you go about a quest to save the world from impending doom?

7. Second Grade Writing Prompts - I can't help but like this page, as it's the most popular creative writing prompts page on the site. Writing prompts are great for students and I feel that with these 10 writing prompts online, I've tapped into the creativity necessary to stimulate the imagination of kids and big kids alike.

6. Music Writing Prompts - Music has been such an important part of my life and I'm not even a frequent concertgoer. We can't help but remember how music has influenced certain parts of our lives. There are songs and musicians we associate with the great or horrible memories we have and as a result, we can use those associations for creative purposes.

5. Prompts about the American Dream - I love the idea of the American Dream and how to truly be happy you actually need to figure out your own goals instead of some white picket fence fantasy. I had a great time writing these prompts and I hope that you'll enjoy reconsidering your life direction to make it more specific and unique.

4. College Writing Prompts - Like most, I had a wild four years of college that changed me forever. There are a lot of great creative memories you can access about that time and I suggest that you give it a shot.

3. Character Writing Prompts about Big Shots - Some of the most enjoyable characters to write are those who are larger than life: the big shots. If you would like to insert such a character into your writing, check out these prompts which are quickly moving up the writing prompts online popularity charts on this site.

2. Memory Writing Prompts - I am a huge fan of the brain and one day I plan to write a book about it. I think that writing prompts playing on your memory can be helpful to all of the future writing you do. Learn to bring your memories to the surface and you will have an unlimited supply of story idea for the rest of your life.

1. Journal Writing Ideas - I think that everybody should keep a journal whether it's in the form of a blog or a notebook. Even if your journal is just about your life, it can be the start of a writing career. These journal writing ideas focus on changing your perspective so that you don't write the same post every day. It has become my favorite writing prompts online page on the site. 

If you would rather have all your writing prompts in one place, check out my book, 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More

Done with Writing Prompts Online? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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