Free Creative Writing Prompts #2: Love

There's something to be said about falling in love. This second list of freecreative writing promptsdeals with your experiences with love. Awise man once told me that all of writing is either about love or death. The feelings that we have during our encounters with either of those can stay with us for a very long time.

We should embrace the presence of those feelings by using them in our creative work. It's not always easy to channel emotions that are so strong, but there is a good chance that if you really tap an emotional nerve, it will be hard to stop your pen from moving.

A little note before we start. There is a difference between doing these free creative writing prompts and really making an effort to connect with yourself while doing them. The second option takes a lot of practice but it is entirely worth it. You will get more out of your writing and these prompts if you "give yourself the gift" and leave yourself open to really thinking about the thoughts presented. If any of these thoughts are overwhelming, I will be talking about relaxation and helping to ease these thoughts out shortly.

Here are twenty free creative writing prompts to help you shoot from the heart:

1. Start a story or script by repeating the name of the love of your life twice before anything else.

2. You wake up suddenly to find the "one that got away" sleeping quietly beside you. First thoughts that come to your mind.

3. You walk into your apartment or house to find your greatest love and your best friend are undressing each other on the kitchen floor. How do you react?

4. Re-enact your first date with the love of your life.

5. You have just recognized the girl or guy in the elevator with you. She/he is the person you loved from afar in high school but never asked out. The elevator stops between floors. You two are alone and stuck for at least an hour. What do you do?

6. The person who completely broke your heart is meeting you for coffee in an hour. Describe the next three hours.

7. Your most awkward, embarrassing school dance. Go! :)

8. Your best first kiss, the lead up, and the aftermath.

9. You and your secret crush debate the topic, "better to have loved and lose then to have never loved at all."

10. Losing your virginity, the lead up, and the aftermath.

11. Use the words of a song that make you think of the one who got away as a frame for a story that shows you going through a box of old things.

12. You sit down for lunch with the Devil. Yes, the Devil! He gives you a choice: to spend the rest of your life with the man or woman who got away but you lose your soul, or you keep your soul but you will never have another chance with that person. Weigh both options in your head, decide, deal with your choice.

13. Your best friend within your sexual preference has just declared his or her long-standing feelings for you. Describe the conversation that follows.

14. After casual sex with your office or classroom crush, your crush says the words, "I love you." What happens then?

15. You are waiting for the love of your life to walk down the aisle. Your love's mother comes in with a note. He or she has gotten cold feet. Describe dealing with the two families afterwards and the resulting emotions.

16. Describe a trip outside of your home country that you took with a romantic partner.

17. Describe a memorable drug or alcohol experience that you had with a romantic partner.

18. Imagine that the person who broke your heart the most came crawling back. How would you react?

19. The most passionate intimate or sexual experience of your life! Have fun with this one.

20. The first time you told a non-family member that wonderful and scary phrase, "I love you." The lead up, and the aftermath.

Remember to really give yourself the gift with these free creative writing prompts. Don't distance yourself and make the prompts about some disconnected character. To truly write with some of these emotions, let yourself deal with the situations.

Think of yourself like a painter with a very limited palette, just three slots for the primary colors. It takes a lot of work to mix all of the colors just so. Now, think about having a huge palette with many colors. It is increasingly easier to get exactly the right shade you want to put down on the page. If only you had had that bigger palette the entire time.

Accessing your past memories at the source is like having the bigger palette. You have a wider range of understanding and you have more capacity to explain an emotion that you are currently experiencing. You also have a bird's eye view of the situation at this point, allowing you to observe your emotions in a whole new way.

A bit of a disclaimer. This stuff is trying. It can really work you up. Try to relax these feelings away after working on these prompts. You should practice relaxation after writing with these to ensure that you aren't taking that old emotion into your current situations. Unless you're feeling more loved, then feel free to hold onto it :).

Writing from the heart like this can really help you start from a grounded emotional place. If you have success with these free creative writing prompts about love, try writing about their counterparts, prompts about death.

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Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1
Creative Writing Tips #1: Substitution

Go back to "Creative Writing Prompts" 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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