Free Creative Writing Prompts #18: Nature

We need to slow down as a species. We will often spend hours and countless units of energy amping ourselves up to go a million miles an hour. We drive fast and we run fast. This kind of activity really does take a toll on the body and the mind, however, and it's starting to really show in our adult-onset illnesses. One way to avoid this fate? Get back to nature! Relax in the amazing natural locations that you can find probably less than a few minutes away from your sheltered technological world. A little meditation next to a stream and a bit of lounging by the ocean is nearly a necessity to make it healthily through your life. These free creative writing prompts on nature can truly help you keep that concept in mind while giving you a chance to draw from your past (and future) experiences to create some great writing. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Nature

1. Describe the most intimate experience you've ever had with nature. Try to remember a time in which you were truly affected by the natural world and it became a major part of who you are. If that's never happened, make it up.

2. One day, all plant life and animals just plain started to talk to you. They talk to a few other people too, so it's not like you're crazy. What do they tell you and what do you do about it?

3. You wake up one day as a frog on a lily pad. What do you do and how do you get back to your human form? Is this a Disney fairy tale or a Grimm's fairy tale? :)

4. What is your personal plan to preserve nature in your community? Even if you only spend 5 minutes a day each week, what is it you plan to do with that time? Do you even want to preserve nature?

5. Talk about a big hike or nature trail walk that you've been on. If you never have, make it up. Who were you with, what did you bring, and why do you remember it so well?

6. If you had a choice of any natural landscape to live on the planet and money was not an issue, where would you live? What would your first year their be like?

7. What is your favorite season and why? What memories have occurred during that season for you? Go into extreme detail on what you like about that season and mention what it is you don't like about the other ones.

8. Your favorite natural area is about to be changed into a shopping mall (I know, the plot of like every movie). What do you do to stop it and how do you get the community on your side?

9. In a horror-movie type setting, nature fights back (and I'm not talking about the M. Night Shyamalan movie "The Happening"). You are stuck in the middle of a forest at night. How do you get out of this predicament and back into civilization?

10. For some reason, as if you were a Disney princess, animals of the forest begin to come out of nowhere to help you through your life. What do you do with this newfound power? 

Be a part of nature while you're writing these prompts. Go out to a field or sit out on your porch and watch the rain come down. It's not a necessity, but you might as well get your natural relaxation in and complete some writing at the same exact time. Two birds with one tasty piece of bread :). Thank you for writing from these nature free creative writing prompts. Use the space below to complete any of them you wish! 

Bonus Prompt - You can grow the garden of your choice without money or time as a hindrance. What do you grow and why? How do you keep out the rabbits? :) 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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