1. Labor Day is a holiday meant to celebrate the hard work that people do all year long to help keep the country moving forward. Who are some people you know who work hard every day at their jobs? Why do you think the work they do is important?
2. For many students, this is the last holiday before school begins. During Labor Day, are you excited for school to begin or do you wish the holiday lasted for the entire year? Why?
3. Over a hundred years ago, people who worked in jobs had to work much longer days with fewer benefits for their families. Why do you think it was so hard for workers to get rights for themselves and their loved ones?
4. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? What are some of the things you'd have to do to get such a job?
5. Of all your relatives and family friends, who do you think has the most interesting job? Do you think he or she enjoys the job or that it's just a way to pay the bills? Why?
6. Which do you think is harder, work or school? What are some of the things that make work more difficult and what are some things that make school tougher to deal with?
7. Imagine that you and your friends have been sucked forward through time 20 years into the future. In this future, all of you work at a office job for a big corporation. What is the office like and how do the other people there seem to enjoy it?
8. Describe the most difficult job you can think of. What are some of the tasks people who work there have to do? Do you think that the job is important or not important and why?
9. Create a made-up story using the following words: paycheck, job, alarm clock, and suit.
10. One of the best parts of the holiday is that it's your family's last chance to go on vacation before school. What is your ideal family vacation? Why would that be perfect fun for the whole family?
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It's a Dirty Job but Somebody has to do it. Not rated yet
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9. Create a made-up story using the following words: paycheck, job, alarm clock, and suit.
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